Rewriting the future of today’s youth

Join a program

Every young person deserves to succeed. Neetzotz exists to make that happen.

By identifying gaps in the system and creating practical, sustainable solutions, Neetzotz gives young people the tools and confidence for long-term success, preventing fallout — and failure.

A trailblazing operation. A launchpad for success.

Success starts here

Not all young people are created equal. But the mainstream mass-education system is.

Bound to a specific syllabus, schools focus on academic achievement. This often leaves weaker students falling through the cracks, their social or emotional issues left untreated — and harder to reverse.

">">Not about to take chances on the community’s children, Neetzotz took note — and took action.

Serving 700+ children between the ages of 8-20 — and their parents and staff — we run a rich array of education and extracurricular programmes, helping young people develop skills, confidence and resilience, and granting them the best chance at success.

">">Optimized operation


Each of our programmes is the result of close monitoring and direct response, to ensure we target the problem at its core.


Our programmes boast quality and creative elements, using state-of-art systems, for a rich and stimulating experience.


Our staff comprises veteran and acclaimed educators with years of combined experience and expertise, for foolproof results.

Neetzotz in numbers


Fee to join youth services
No child is left behind


After-school club slots
filled each week


Affiliated specialist therapists
for youth and adolescents


Parents attending our biannual parenting workshops


1:1 parent mentoring phone consults in the inaugural first months


Achievement and progression rate based on Sparc’s expectations in the first 3 years

Donate today

join the charities that joined our cause

CF Logo
power to change
The National Lottery


We are youth-led

Our provisions are structured around the needs of our users, with targeted support for those considered more at-risk, disadvantaged or with higher need.

We embrace the holistic approach

Our programmes are tailored to the emotional, social and academic development of each user, and involve the adults in their lives, so every child gets the maximum support they need.

We aim for quality, safety and well-being

Users enjoy quality services provided by staff who have appropriate skills, expertise and safeguarding training, to keep young people safe and support their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

We exude positivity

Programmes are held in a warm, nurturing environment. They are strengths- and achievement-based, focusing on developing existing skills and attributes of young people.

Designed by Shira Heimann
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